Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What is love? (baby don't hurt me)

Currently working on: SoEmotional

A Leopard app that reads in a public timeline from twitter and counts the usage of emotional words like love and hate. I would eventually like to be able to do a mash up with flickr and the hype machine that pulls in pictures and songs based on subject of the emotion. For now i'm going to have a little fun with core animation and see where this goes.

On the back burner:

I have to develop a bluetooth daemon for windows mobile using c# (gross) so that flash lite can communicate with the bluetooth module on the Samsung i600. I've had the idea of making a "living" contact list on a mobile device for some time. Since I'm already going to be getting dirty with visual studio and the i600 I figure I should go ahead and give it a shot. The application would allow the user to create a small profile containing their picture and phone number. As the mobile device moved around it would sense other bluetooth connections. If the devices both have the application they would trade their profiles otherwise the application would simply take note of the bluetooth mac address. As the two devices spend more time around each other, the importance of the connection would get stronger. If a device gets the application after two have met, the device which sensed the mac address first will send an update to the other device with the importance of the connection. Another cool feature would be adding locations to a google map for each time the devices run into each other so that you will never have to experience the "Oh man! I know I've seen that guy before but where?" feeling again. I wish I had a Iphone iPhone so I could write it for that instead =[

1 comment:

brian said...

Are you aware of